Anyone who wears new gen hair replacement systems can tell how invisible and natural they are.
An individual is wearing a funny toupee, and it flies away because of the wind: that was the idea we had about no surgical hair replacements so far.
Nowadays, this concept is still advertised, unfortunately.
As time was passing by, a company came up with a new idea: self-adhesive toupees.
The problem was the thickness of the toupees (composed of rigid silicon) that made them so unnatural. Prices were really high, even 100 times more than the production costs.
The company, the only one in the market, became quickly the leader thanks to his deceptive advertising and the feeling of fear people had about losing their hair.
Then Internet encountered a huge success and the market opened up to new gen systems.
For the first time invisible and cheap no surgical hair replacements appeared in the market. This had a big impact not only on the USA trichological system but also on that of global scope.
This issue resulted in disappearance of some companies, but some other rivals came in.
With the aid of Internet, pictures and reviews, customers could finally afford natural systems.
However, there are some controversial opinions upon the effectiveness of the hair replacement system.
Even though hair replacements systems were invisible and well fixed to the scalp, the maintenance was not easy at all. In other words, they had to take systems off, clean and wash them, put the glue back and then resume.
Most of the people found this procedure completely normal but for others, in particular, those who were not used to toupees or silicon systems, this method was not easy at all. Dripping was the worst nightmare: glue melts little by little, and it dirties hair and forehead.
Progresses in the hair, wig and trichological systems field went on and Noglue come into the marketplace.
Noglue is a system which stays well fixed to the scalp without the need for glues or tapes. This is made possible by his natural base and his force of adhesion.
This system belongs to the new gen one because of its invisible frontal. Moreover, the use of glues or adhesives is no longer necessary.
We can then say that Noglue is a new step towards trichological system evolution, We literally passed from old fashion toupees to a modern, cheap, invisible hair replacement system, equipped with a polyurethane base.