Stuffed toys are probably one of the most well-loved toys of all time. It’s easy to understand why everyone likes them since they are cute, soft and cuddly. Most of us had at least one when we were kids and it reminds us of the great memories of our childhood. As we became older, stuffed or plush toys were still a part of our lives as a collector’s item and more commonly, as gifts. From then until now, it’s one of the most recognizable figures of all time.
So it doesn’t come as a surprise that they are being used as a promotional tool. With the popularity of stuffed toys, it’s just normal that people would take advantage of it. So who uses them for promotion? Here are some examples of people who use plush toys for promotional purposes:
1. Toy inventors
Toy inventors can take advantage of its popularity doudou by making it the “face” of their creations. Since most of us can relate to stuffed toys, toy inventors can use them to promote his whole line of toy inventions.
2. Children’s book writers
If you write children’s books, then you probably have main characters that kids adore. You can make stuffed toys of your book’s characters in order to promote your books and to make extra money.
3. Teachers or anyone who helps in children’s development
They promote a different kind of product such as learning. Most kids are visual learners. Using plush toys to promote learning is an interactive and effective way to reach out to children.
4. Business owners
If you own a business, you should be doing things to promote it. A good way to promote it is to give or sell stuffed toys designed to look like your mascot. It doesn’t matter if your mascot is lovable or not. While it will help if it is, the plush toy will give your business personality. You can give it as gifts to loyal customers or you can sell them at your store as official merchandise.
5. Nurses and those in the medical profession
Ever heard of the healing power of touch? Nurses can promote health and recovery using stuffed toys like bears or anything that is cuddly. We practice this unknowingly by giving stuffed toys to our sick loved ones and for good reason.
So you see, plush toys can promote a lot of things. So if you happen to be one of these groups of people or if you have your own idea for plush toys, you can easily use it to promote a lot of things. But the only way that it can be a reality is if you team up with a dependable manufacturer. They are the ones that can turn your idea into a promotional blockbuster. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to use it as a promotional tool for profit or for noble causes. It’s effective at what it does.
Plush Dog Toys
Dog owners need not be surprised if your pet tends to be choosy when it comes to their dog toys. Usually, dogs get fussy about the craziest things, and toys are no exception. They must be the right size, shape, and style; and, above all, they must have the right feel. If the toy is wrong, it ends up gathering dust in the corner.
Chewing and nipping are just some of your pet dog’s inevitable addictions. They will not be content with merely sniffing things. Try giving them toys made of soft, plushy material. When they are gnawing on your personal items, you can be sure that soft and plushy are somehow involved. They will find things to get their mouths and teeth on almost anything in sight. In order to divert their attention from your personal belongings, handing them some plush dog toys will make their day less boring and ripping the toys apart will be so much fun.
Plush dog toys are cute and fluffy, and your puppies can carry them one place to another. They may come in varied sizes, shapes, and forms such as balls, bones, bears, and the like. These plush dog toys are commonly equipped with bells and other squeaky noisemakers. Although some dogs tend to get scared of the squeaky doudou bébé sound, others just love it. Once dogs hear bells jingling or squeaky sounds from their toys, they will all the more get curious as to where the sound is coming from, and they’ll chew it until they find out.
Tough Guys Talking Plush Dog Toys
Recently Camille Tapp with Alpha Pet Products sent me a Billy the Duck Tough Guys Talking Plush Toy. My dog Kelly can be a destroyer of plush toys, ripping them apart and pulling the stuffing out, so I was unsure how long this toy would last.
Billy the Duck is dressed in a suit with bow tie and smoking a cigar. To further enhance the tough guy image he says “Do you think I’m funny? What am I, a clown?” when squeezed. Casino Cat, Dapper Dog, Stogie, and Lyin’ Lion are also available, each with a unique phrase. They are all around 11 inches tall.
Kelly was super excited when the box arrived. It had been packaged with some Buddy Biscuits Liver Treats and the box must have smelt very good. I got the toy out of the box, tossed it and away she went. She smelled the toy all over and then picked it up. She was able to get the toy to “talk” just by biting it. The first time it spoke, she dropped it. Then she quickly picked it back up again and bit it to make it speak again and again.
We have now had this toy for over a week and she loves to play tug of war with it, tossing it in the air and just laying down to chew on it. Billy the Duck has held up really well and is not missing any of his parts or fluff. This would be a great toy for any dog that loves to hear their toys talk.