El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Comida Vegana(Vegan Food), Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece un análisis profundo del mercado, evaluándolo por tipo de producto, canal de distribución, y las regiones clave y analiza los factores clave de éxito y las limitaciones, también rastrea las últimas tendencias en la industria. El informe y estudia su impacto en el mercado en general. Además, examina la dinámica del mercado, cubriendo los indicadores clave de demanda y precio, junto con el análisis del mercado basado en los modelos FODA y las Cinco Fuerzas de Porter.
The new Expert Reports study entitled ‘Latin American Market of Vegan Food, Report and Forecast 2022-2027‘, offers an in-depth analysis of the market, evaluating by product type, distribution channel, and the key regions and analyses the key factors of success and limitations, it also tracks the latest trends in the industry. The report and studies its impact on the market in general. Additionally, it examines market dynamics, covering key demand and price indicators, along with market analysis based on SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.
Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-latinoamericano-de-comida-vegana/detalles-de-precios
Los aspectos más destacados del informe incluyen:
Descripción general del mercado (2017-2027)
• CAGR del periodo de pronóstico (2022-2027): X%
Se alienta a las personas a cambiar de productos alimenticios de origen animal a productos de origen vegetal a medida que crece la conciencia pública sobre la salud y el sufrimiento de los animales en el sector alimentario. Las tasas de obesidad en aumento a nivel mundial y la prevalencia de varios problemas de salud como diabetes, asma, presión arterial alta y enfermedades cardíacas han aumentado la conciencia de los consumidores sobre su salud. La demanda de todo tipo de productos alimenticios saludables, incluidos los productos alimenticios veganos, ha aumentado debido a este factor.
Además, los productores han lanzado una variedad de alimentos de alta calidad en una variedad de sabores con empaques llamativos. Esto probablemente ayudará en la expansión de la industria objetivo. El sustituto lácteo más frecuente entre estos productos es el queso de origen vegetal llamado tofu. Se anticipa que su demanda se verá impulsada por una creciente cartera de productos y un aumento en los casos de intolerancia a la lactosa.
Debido a los estilos de vida cambiantes, el aumento de los ingresos disponibles y la creciente popularidad de los alimentos de origen vegetal entre los clientes conscientes por la salud, se anticipa que la industria de alimentos veganos de América Latina se expanda significativamente. Uno de los principales impulsores de la creciente popularidad de los productos alimenticios veganos es el creciente deseo entre los consumidores de consumir una dieta saludable, sostenible y fácil.
Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-latinoamericano-de-comida-vegana
Industry Definition and Major Segments
Vegan food refers to food products which do not contain meat, dairy products or other animal products. It is a type of food which is termed as cruelty free and healthy as it is a plant-based food which is rich in nutrients and do not have excessive calories.
According to type of product, the market is segmented into:
- Dairy Alternatives
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt
- Dessert
- Others
- Meat Substitutes
- Tofu
- Seiten
- Quorn
- Others
- Egg Alternative
- Vegan Bakery
- Confectionery
- Plant-Based Snacks
- Others
Based on distribution channel, the industry is divided into:
- Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
- Convenience stores
- Specialized stores
- Online
- Others
Key regions covered include:
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Mexico
- Chile
- Others
Market Trends
In 2020, the coronavirus epidemic brought about a previously unheard-of increase in popularity for sourdough, pancake cereal, and dalgona coffee. It was largely possible due to social media platforms and the growing popularity of flexitarian diets among consumers. More than ever, customers seek to minimise the environmental impact and adopt vegan diets, resulting in the proliferation of vegan industry, which is anticipated to expand during the forecasted period.
Options for meat and seafood made with plant-based products are constantly being introduced by different market competitors. Consequently, they are luring vegan customers by offering the replicas of different types of meat. Additionally, as it is anticipated to replace other meat-based items like meat patties on the market, thereby aiding the innovation in the the fast-food industry.
Key Market Players
The major players in the market are:
- Amy’s Kitchen
- Danone S.A
- The Archer Daniels Midland Company
- Daiya Foods Inc.,
- Tofutti Brands Inc.
- Ripple Foods Inc.
- Earth’s Own Food Company Inc.
- Others
This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.
About Us:
Informes de Expertos (https://informesdeexpertos.com), the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.
Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.
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