El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Chatbots, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, analiza el mercado en base de tipo, panorama de productos, aplicación, uso final, y regiones clave. El informe evalúa las tendencias clave del mercado y los factores que conducen al crecimiento exitoso del mercado y examina la dinámica del mercado a través de indicadores de precio y demandas en desarrollo. También cubre las limitaciones de la industria y estudia su impacto en el mercado global, mientras analiza el mercado basado en los modelos SWOT y de las Cinco Fuerzas de Porter.
The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Chatbots Market 2022-2027’, analyses the market on the basis of type, product landscape, application, end-use, and key regions. The report assesses the key market trends and factors driving the successful growth of the market and examines the market dynamics through price indicators and developing demands. It also covers industry restraints and studies their impact on the global market, while analysing the market based on SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.
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Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:
Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)
• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 12,30%
El mercado latinoamericano de chatbots se está expandiendo como resultado de que cada vez más empresas de comercio electrónico utilizan servicios de chatbots. Los chatbots están hechos para comunicarse con las personas a través de texto y se integran con varias plataformas de mensajería, lo que los hace útiles para los usuarios de varios sectores. El mercado latinoamericano de chatbots alcanzó un volumen de USD 240 millones en 2021.
Se espera que una serie de avances en inteligencia artificial y tecnologías de aprendizaje automático mejoren la funcionalidad de los chatbots. Todo el ecosistema del chatbot incluye una variedad de funciones cruzadas que ayudan a sacar el máximo partido del programa. El uso de los servicios de mensajería ha aumentado significativamente, y se prevé que pronto superarán a las redes sociales en términos de base de usuarios. El procesamiento del lenguaje natural también ha experimentado una mejora sustancial, agilizando las interacciones entre el lenguaje informático y el humano.
Se prevé que el sector aumente a lo largo del periodo proyectado como resultado de la aceleración del desarrollo técnico en los campos de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el aprendizaje automático (ML). En el mercado de los chatbots, las innovaciones tecnológicas como el uso de la IA están cambiando las reglas del juego. Los chatbots pueden replicar las conversaciones humanas gracias a la inteligencia artificial, que les permite aprender las conversaciones anteriores y anticiparse a las futuras. Esto hace que la comunicación sea rápida y cómoda. Además, gracias a su interfaz de autoaprendizaje, podrían aprender de cada interacción y corregir sus errores, asemejándose más a los humanos.
Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-latinoamericano-de-chatbots
Industry Definition and Major Segments
A chatbot is a piece of software that interacts with users through online chat by using artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Software applications known as chatbots replicate human-like conversation. These dialogue systems are mostly used by corporations to improve customer service since they offer quick automatic responses and personalise the interaction.
According to type, the market is segmented into:
• Standalone
• Web Based
• Messenger Based/Third Party
Based on product landscape, the industry can be divided into:
• Artificial Intelligence
• Marketing
• Human Intelligence
Depending on the application, the market can be classified into:
• Bots for Service
• Bots for Social Media
• Bots for Payments/Order Processing
• Bots for Marketing
• Others
Based on end use, the industry can be segregated into:
• Healthcare
• Retail
• Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)
• Media and Entertainment
• Travel and Tourism
• E-commerce
• Others
Key regions covered include:
• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Chile
• Others
Market Trends
Today’s chatbots are supported by strong technologies. By determining their needs, interests, and personalities, they are intended to engage consumers in more personable encounters. This development can also be linked to the growing use of voice assistants and instant messaging apps, as well as the requirement to automate customer care services in order to increase operational effectiveness and lower costs.
increasing voice Along with speech recognition features, AI is a trend that is reshaping the market. Although virtual assistants are already a crucial component of chatbots, their capability increases the effectiveness of chatbots. The application of statistics and data modelling approaches to forecast customer behaviour and trends is known as predictive analytics in customer service. The chatbot keeps systematic records of data, measurements, preferences, and trends as it interacts directly with the client. It then leverages these records to give customers intelligent, sympathetic responses.
Key Market Players
The major players in the market are:
• [24]7.ai, Inc
• Aivo LLC
• Artificial Solutions International AB
• Botsify Inc
• Creative Virtual Private Limited
• Inbenta Technologies Inc.
• IBM Corporation
• eGain Corporation
• Others
This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.
About Us:
Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.
Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.
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